Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jeritan dari Yahoo!


Korang semua tentu tahu kan? Tapi korang penah tau tak jeritan nye? hehe. Kalau yang dah tau tu, sila lah pura – pura tak tahu yerk..

Kalau korang nak cuba dgr jeritan nye, try la kat tanda seru yg ada dlm logo dia tu.. bkn yg bawah ni yerk, yg kat laman tu.. sila la kalau berani..

Monday, June 21, 2010


salam...ari ni sye gat nak cite la sal kwan saye ni..namenye Syuhada...sye mule kenal syuhada ti kteorg sklh kat SMK Kamunting lu....arini di dah dftar di Politeknik Seberabg Perai....berjauhan lagi la kteorg..huhu tapi xpe la umah kteorg agak dekat...hehe raye ti insyallah kte jmpe..hehe tapi kteorg spt jmpe slmt di kfc kamunting..hehe best gile berjam2 gak la kteorg dok kat situ...haha inilah satu2nye gbr yg smpat sye ambik...hehe pape pon gud luck ek skor pointer byk2 tau!!!hehe jgn lupe ak bile dah dpt kwn baru kat poli tu..hehe

Thursday, June 17, 2010

bufday kak fiza!!

ari ni birthday c-nior blog ak lu..hehe epy bufday kak fiza!!! hehe moge kak dimurahkan rezeki dipanjangkan umor n di permudahkan segale urusan... wish u luck k!hehe happy2 sokmo ek...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

msdos command

1.xcopy - Copy multiple files, directories, and/or drives from one location to another.
2.undelete - Undelete a file that has been deleted.
3.type - Display the contents of a file.
4.ver - Display the version information.
5.sort - Sorts the input and displays the output to the screen.
6.shutdown - Shutdown the computer from the MS-DOS prompt.
7.sys - Transfer system files to disk drive.
8.rmdir - Removes an empty directory.
9.share - Installs support for file sharing and locking capabilities.
10.rd - Removes an empty directory.
11.print - Prints data to a printer port.
12.path - View and modify the computers path location.
13.move - Move one or more files from one directory to another directory.
14.mkdir - Command to create a new directory.
15.ftype - Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.
16.keyb - Change layout of keyboard.
17.for - Boolean used in batch files.
18.edit - View and edit files.
19.dir - List the contents of one or more directory.
20.copy - Copy one or more files to an alternate location.

linux command file contents to standard output. This is a way to list the contents of short files to the screen. It works well with piping. directory
cd.. -Move to the parent directory of the current directory. This command will make the current working directory "/home.
3.cp-Copy files
4.dd-Disk duplicate.
5.df-Show the amount of disk space used on each mounted filesystem.
6.less-Similar to the more command, but the user can page up and down through the file.
7.ln-Creates a symbolic link to a file.
8.locate-A fast database driven file locator.
9.logout-Logs the current user off the system. listing of directory contents
11.more-Allows file contents or piped output to be sent to the screen one page at a time. or rename files
13.pwd-Show the name of the current working directory
14.shutdown-Shuts the system down.
15.whereis-Show where the binary, source and manual page files are for a command
16.rmdir - Remove an existing directory
17.chown - change file owner and group
18.chmod - change file access permissions
19.clear - Clears the terminal screen.
20.mkdir - make directories

..tOnyET cREw..

ni antare member2 kelas pompuan yg ak plg rapat..hehe

tapi korang mesti tertanya-tanye kenape ak tlis tonyet crew kat gbr tu..hehe tonyet tu = monyet..haha tu pon salah sorang member kteorg tu la selalu panggil tonyet..haha so tertubuh la tonyet crew...penyerusinye Fatihah..p.pengerusi Reina..setiausaha Julaiha...dan akhirnye bendahari Fika ak la..haha tapi skrg ni tonyet crew ni dah xwujud daa..huhu cam sedih la plak..hahah sebab kteorg dah abis sekolah so susah, sorg dua org dok utara,sorg dok barat laut dan sorg dok barat daya..haha so tonyet crew ni tinggal kenangan je la...huhu walau papepon kteorg xlost contacts..babai tonyet crew!! we will miss u forever!!!


ni gambar dak2 dorm ak...hehe

ni lak gambar kelas ak..hehe ni time kteorg dgn pengetua sklh..

ni la diantara gambar2 kenangan ak mase ak sklh kat teknik dulu..hehe sebenarnye ade banyak lagi..tapi ak malas nak upload..hehe

Saturday, June 12, 2010

dalam sejarah!!hahaha

ak xtau nak tulis pe sebenarnye nie...haha
ok la first time ak wat blog ni..byk lagi ak kene blajar la..
ni pon ak gah try nak edit2 lagi ni..lau ade pape yg xkene tu maaf la ek...phm2 je la saye ni budak yg baru belajar...hahaha
k la ak nak beruseha mengedit lagi ni...hehe